Our commitment to your health & wellbeing

Our commitment to you, your experience, and your health, safety, and wellbeing will always take precedence. 

Scenic Group works with the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), State and Federal governments, and local and international Government Health agencies to ensure our protocols meet and exceed regulatory requirements. In addition, we continuously implement the newest insights to help us safeguard the health and safety of our guests and staff, while ensuring the best guest experience possible.

Our health & safety procedures and recommendations 

Additional information 

Scenic Eclipse Yacht off the coast of Broome with orange rocky coastline and clear blue water Scenic Eclipse Yacht off the coast of Broome with orange rocky coastline and clear blue water

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White cruise ship sailing on the Mekong river at sunset with cloudy blue skies and the shoreline with small houses in the distance White cruise ship sailing on the Mekong river at sunset with cloudy blue skies and the shoreline with small houses in the distance


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Bird’s eye shot of a white river cruise ship sailing through the Douro valley, with green fields and vineyards on either side Bird’s eye shot of a white river cruise ship sailing through the Douro valley, with green fields and vineyards on either side

Travel Advice

Travel with confidence, knowing you’re in safe hands.